
Gioia Di Donato covered French’s with this video in her What Happened to Live Australian Music YouTube channel. A great summary. 2023.

James Griffin (The Agents, Subterraneans) with a little ditty penned from 1976 about the French’s feel of the time.

Recorded at French’s Tavern, 1975.

Late News featured Ian ‘Willie’ Winter & Greg ‘Sleepy’ Lawrie from Carson (a blues band from Melbourne) They played at French’s Tavern in Oxford St Sydney.

The long lost tape of Jupiter, a great 70s band from Sydney, playing at Frenchs Wine Bar Oxford St Sydney.

1975 – this was the flipside of his follow-up single to ‘Girls On The Avenue’ titled ‘Down The Road’. It was written about French’s.

Live at Frenches Tavern Sydney. Sweet Poison. Howard Jackson, guitar, vox – writer music & lyrics. Scott Philips, drums, vox. Raoul Hawkins, bass. Song titled Snakes and Spiders but always refered to by fans as Paranoia.

Shot at Frenches Tavern, Sydney, Oxford Street. Sweet Poison live. Howard Jackson, guitar. Scott Philips, drums. Raoul Hawkins, bass. Music and lyrics by Howard Jackson.

Sweet Poison recorded live at French’s Tavern, Sydney, June 1983.

Sweet Poison recorded live at French’s Tavern, Sydney June 1983

Sweet Poison recorded live at French’s Tavern, Sydney, June 1983. music & lyrics © h.jackson. guitars + vocals – h.jackson, percussion + vocals – s.phillips, bass – m.graham

Sweet Poison – Nov 1983. H. Jackson – vocals/guitars, S. Philips – percussion/vocals, m.graham – bass

Live at French’s. Sweet Poison had by the mid-1980s evolved via Suite Poison into Lunar Circus.

Phil Turnbull: At our first ‘proper’ gig – French’s on Oxford Street with good audience reaction for the most part until the Scrumpy seemed to get the better of a few people. After this song I had a cider glass thrown at me – phew.

The Kelpies were French’s regulars and, while this video is not set in French’s, it is a TV show report on their rehearsal process, filmed in nearby Stanley St.

Lubricated Goat – Anal Injury

This video clip for Electric Pandas was filmed at French’s in 1984.

Using old footage of feedtime, a ride down memory lane. Footage shot by Peter Newberry of Painkillers in 1986.

The Rolling Stones as only feedtime could play them. Recorded live at French’s Tavern, Oxford St, Sydney, Australia, September 26, 1986 by Peter Newberry of Painkillers.

Idiom Flesh’s promo video for the song ‘Some People’ from the 12″ EP Inheritance, released 1983.

Arnhem video
Arnhem recorded live at French’s, sometime 1977-79. Video playback on other websites disabled – watch it on YouTube.

Mangrove Boogie Kings live at French’s, late 70s (recorded by Stephen Browne on his tape recorder)

Trench Gashes
All the interior footage from this mid-80s Trench Gashes film clip was shot upstairs at French’s. Video playback on other websites disabled – watch it on YouTube.

Kwanza, Sydney disco/funk band active in 1976 and 1977 (features French’s photo).